Pacer Sedan Register

166 registered cars and counting
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Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Little Hood Riding Red (RA) / X6 Black trim
Current colours: Little Hood Riding Red (RA) / X6 Black trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 265 / 4 speed
Options: A88 T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Eddy265, Vic
Listed: 11 Jun, 2006

The car was purchased in 2000, and a complete restoration process was begun, that has taken several years. It's debut appearance was at the 2004 Chryslers on the Murray, when the spotlight was on the pacers. A new EFI 265 is in the works to replace the current engine.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / X8 Black trim
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / X8 Black trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: A88 T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Mark Crackenthorp. Nowra, NSW.
Listed: 15 Sep, 2007

Bought off original owner @ 1998. Sold new locally. All I did was get the stripes redone, a set of mags and a cut and polish. Very original, 117000 miles, original NSW plates and have original books etc. Has rear brake proportioning valve.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC)
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC)
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 245 / auto
Options: T14
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Perry Mahony Perth WA
Listed: 16 May, 2007

The Vehicle is in very good condition.
Has been resprayed a few years ago.
It has very minor rust.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC)
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC)
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Ipswich
Listed: 9 Nov, 2006

Purchase in 2004 Chrysler Expo I'm the third owner



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / Black trim
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 245/ 4 Speed
Options: A88
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Liam Dennett
Listed: 5 Jan, 2017

car owned in the 1980s sold to the Smiths at Haddon Victoria and not seen since. Very original car including paint and registration did have a 4 speed fitted and had mags (wildfire) I think they are called, wheel caps and 3 speed in boot at time of sale



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard / Black
Current colours: Original
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Original
Options: A88
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Geoff Barnes Tasmania
Listed: 28 May, 2019

Brought from single mother in central Tas in 1991 original paint etc drove to work for 14 months and stored the thing, great car. On blocks now, needs cosmetics and a few dings but too old now to bother, parked with others and started twice a year kept for build no. Original plates. Tas reg on car, 770 remote mirror fitted at dealer ship when new as other cool stuff, came with lots of nos bits in trunk may use later.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Thar She Blue (BG) / N5 Neutral (Tan) trim
Current colours: Thar She Blue (BG) / N5 Neutral (Tan) trim
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: None
Options: nil
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Mick Grant Queensland
Listed: 26 May, 2015

It is very badly rusted out engine and box gone been sitting in paddock for 25 years is the worst i have ever seen so at least a 18 month project. I am sure with a lot of cutting blasting and replacement parts she will be back to her former glory.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Little Hood Riding Red (RA)
Current colours: Little Hood Riding Red (RA)
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: A88 T14
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Greg Angel Western Australia
Listed: 4 Mar, 2008

Very original straight rust free car

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