Pacer Sedan Register

166 registered cars and counting
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Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / N4 Neutral (Tan) trim
Current colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 265 / 4 speed
Options: A88 D66 T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Mark Crackenthorp. Nowra, NSW.
Listed: 15 Sep, 2007

Its a shitbox. Basically bought for spares a few years ago.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black
Current colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: A88 D66 T14
Authenticated: No
Listed: 29 Jan, 2007

Bought new in NSW by an RAAF pilot.
Awaiting restoration. Interior is still perfect after car was used on a farm to feed out hay and as a dog kennel.
Only missing hub caps, otherwise this car is complete.



Build Date: 16 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Bondi Beach / Black
Current colours: Hemi Orange / Black
Original Drivetrain: 245/ 3 Speed
Current Drivetrain: Original
Options: A88
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Emanuel Hiras
Listed: 23 Jan, 2015

Car was hit in the back by a bus in 1986. Then owner decided to save the car and whilst under repair had the car painted Hemi Orange



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: A88 T14
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Ryan NZ
Listed: 6 Sep, 2007

Had car about nine years. Bought it at the auctions in NZ. Have restored it up myself with a bit of help from some good mates. man they are fun to drive. Trying to track down the original engine number and engine. If anyone can help would be appreciated. E-mail me.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard/Black
Current colours: Hot Mustard/Black
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 265 / 4 Speed
Options: A88,T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Sean Mc Garry, Sydney NSW
Listed: 5 Feb, 2015

July 2018:
Currently running E49 spec K10 265 triple webers, 4 speed box, LSD, 15" Superlite wheels. Approx 95% complete and goes hard.



Build Date: 1 Sep, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / N3 Neutral trim
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / N3 Neutral trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: A88 T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Nil
Listed: 16 Apr, 2009

original cond except mag wheels



Build Date: 1 Oct, 1970
Original colours: Thar She Blue (BG) / Black trim
Current colours: Thar She Blue (BG) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 265 4bbl / 5 speed
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Andrew, NSW
Listed: 10 Jun, 2012

Car is currently close to finished as a resto project that has taken 10 years as it was only worked on when I had time. I still have the original gearbox but the engine was U/S. Will post pics soon



Build Date: 1 Oct, 1970
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / X5 Black trim
Current colours: Hemi Orange (RF)
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Weber equipped 265
Options: T14
Authenticated: No
Listed: 21 May, 2006

Could the owner please contact us again or contact me, to confirm email and to authenticate the car

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Important information about ads: This site has been running for 23 years, providing information about Chrysler Valiant Pacers. The site has never made a penny (it was never intended to do so) and was built for the love of Pacers, however it has always cost money to run. In 2018 I put some ad's on the site to see if the website can somehow cover its costs and so far the ads look like they'll cover about 50% of the annual running costs. If you see an ad that interests you, please click on it, as it will help! Just seeing ads does not achieve anything, and so if you would rather not see any ad's, you can click here to not see any more. It looks like you've opted to not see any ads, which is fine, but if you want you can turn them back on here.