Pacer Sedan Register

166 registered cars and counting
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Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black trim
Current colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 265 / 4 speed
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Anthony, South Australia
Listed: 7 Mar, 2008

Ex Canberra car for most of its life, excellent body.



Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / Black trim
Current colours: Hot Mustard (YC) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 245/ 3 Speed
Options: a88 x12 x92
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Gavin Lupton Otorohanga New Zealand
Listed: 26 May, 2015

feature car in hey charger magazine.purchased about 4 years ago.



Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: MAHOGANY METALLIC
Current colours: MAHOGANY METALLIC
Original Drivetrain: 245/ 3 Speed
Current Drivetrain: 245/ 3 Speed
Options: T14 SOA 614 (Paint CA- MAHOGANY METALLIC)
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Unknown (advertised on Gumtree 11/01/15)
Listed: 19 Jan, 2015

Body paint ca berg4290 trim code n3 options t14
3207 SOA 614 special order



Build Date: 14 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hot Mustard / Tan
Current colours: Original
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: Original
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Emanuel Hiras - Tasmania
Listed: 14 Aug, 2021

Adelaide car, I am sixth owner. Currently completing a restoration to get her back to roadworthy. Staying as original as possible.



Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hemi Orange / unsure
Current colours: Hemi Orange / unsure
Original Drivetrain: unsure / unsure
Current Drivetrain: unsure / unsure
Options: unsure
Authenticated: No
Owner details: unsure
Listed: 9 Sep, 2019




Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / N4 Neutral (Tan) trim
Current colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Black trim
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 speed
Current Drivetrain: 245/ 3 Speed
Options: SOA J42
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Unknown (on show at CWR 2015)
Listed: 25 Aug, 2015

Viewed at the 2015 Chrysler Wake run- very unique SOA Dealer order with the J42 Big Tank option.



Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Bondi Bleech White / Black
Current colours: Original
Original Drivetrain: 245 / 3 Speed
Current Drivetrain: Original
Options: T14
Authenticated: Yes
Owner details: Charlie Amenta, Greenvale, VIC
Listed: 26 Dec, 2017

May 2019
Owner changed to Charlie Amenta, Greenvale, VIC.
December 2017
Car is unrestored but needs to be restored.
Complete matching number vehicle.
- Michael Hansen, Reservoir, Vic



Build Date: 1 Apr, 1971
Original colours: Hemi Orange (RF) / Tan trim
Original Drivetrain: Pacer 245 / 3 speed
Options: None
Authenticated: No
Owner details: Unknown but in WA
Listed: 31 May, 2006

stripped and currently restoring car from ground up all original.

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Important information about ads: This site has been running for 23 years, providing information about Chrysler Valiant Pacers. The site has never made a penny (it was never intended to do so) and was built for the love of Pacers, however it has always cost money to run. In 2018 I put some ad's on the site to see if the website can somehow cover its costs and so far the ads look like they'll cover about 50% of the annual running costs. If you see an ad that interests you, please click on it, as it will help! Just seeing ads does not achieve anything, and so if you would rather not see any ad's, you can click here to not see any more. It looks like you've opted to not see any ads, which is fine, but if you want you can turn them back on here.